

Vibia | Diez Office

Plusminus is a versatile lighting system that takes the concept of the light rail to a new level. The conductive textile ribbon at its core allows for free placement of the luminaires and the creation of unique light solutions on the spot.

Made in Barcelona, Spain

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Vibia | Diez Office

Plusminus is a versatile lighting system that takes the concept of the light rail to a new level. The conductive textile ribbon at its core allows for free placement of the luminaires and the creation of unique light solutions on the spot.

Made in Barcelona, Spain

Vibia | Diez Office

Plusminus is a versatile lighting system that takes the concept of the light rail to a new level. The conductive textile ribbon at its core allows for free placement of the luminaires and the creation of unique light solutions on the spot.

Made in Barcelona, Spain


Specification Sheets


Combination Dependent

Lead Time

10-14 weeks


Combination Dependent




Vibia is a global lighting company based in Barcelona.

Vibia exists to create beautiful atmospheres, using lighting design to generate meaningful responses that have a positive impact on the human experience. We put people at the centre of everything we do: their feelings, their desires and ultimately their wellbeing. Elegant, sensual and universal, Vibia speaks a language of emotion that connects us with the world.


Diez Office

Growing up in a household of 4th-generation carpenters, Stefan Diez’s early bond with craftsmanship has profoundly shaped his development as an industrial designer. Following his family tradition by training as a cabinetmaker, he went on to study industrial design under Richard Sapper at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart. After returning to Munich to work with Konstantin Grcic, he founded his own studio in 2002.

From 2007 to 2014, he was professor of industrial design at the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe (HFG), before joining the School of Industrial Design Lund, Sweden, in 2015.

In 2008, Stefan Diez established his studio in the renovated facilities of a former joinery, which provides the ideal platform for his unique combination of hands-on experimentation and technical know-how. Led by curiosity and supported by a network of local craftsmen and specialists, DIEZ OFFICE is dedicated to transforming ideas into actual products with great diligence and proficiency.

Together with his team, Stefan Diez has been exploring a broad spectrum of design, creating award-winning furniture, tableware and accessories, in collaboration with internationally renowned manufacturers like e15, emu, Hay, Rosenthal, Thonet, Vibia, Wagner and Wilkhahn.

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